SFC news published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier news articles.

The SCDI (Scottish Council for Development and Industry) and strategic partners SFC, Jacobs, EDF Energy and SQA are kicking off work to secure a good deal for Scotland from the UK Industrial Strategy (UKIS) with an Industrial Strategy Event.

Over 100 leaders from the private, public and academic sectors joined the event at Glasgow City Chambers, which focuses on developing a joint vision across the Scottish economy, bringing together sectors to collaborate, and discussing how to maximise national and regional economic benefits.

Both the Scottish and UK Governments agree that public and private sector collaboration will ensure the best UKIS deal for Scotland.

The UKIS aims to improve living standards and economic growth by increasing productivity and driving growth.

Outcomes from the conference will help shape several pieces of work that SCDI will carry out with the aim of ensuring maximum economic benefit for Scotland from the UKIS.
