SFC news published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier news articles.
Prospects for those qualifying through Scotland’s colleges continue to improve according to the Scottish Funding Council’s annual College Leaver Destinations report published today. The publication reports on the destinations of those who left college in 2016-17 and shows a steady increase in positive destinations, with a rise in both entry to employment and into further study.
Positive destinations for 16 – 24 year olds have increased 3.3 percent over the last three years. Among all college leavers, the majority of those leaving college went on to employment (47.1%), followed closely by those who enrolled to study at university (41.2%). The number of those in unemployed or unavailable to work due to travel or other responsibilities also dropped from 12.4% to 11.7%.
For those students who remained in education at college or university, 86.3% progressed to a higher level of study on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF). The proportion of 16 – 24 year old students either moving up one or more SCQF levels, in training, modern apprenticeships or work was also 85.3%, up from 83.9% the previous year.
SFC Interim Chief Executive John Kemp said:
“These figures show steady improvement across a range of indicators for college leavers. They underline the college sector’s vital role in ensuring Scotland has the right skills for the future. There is still work to be done and we look forward to making more progress in partnership with colleges, in fulfilling the aims of the Scottish Government’s Developing the Young Workforce and Skills for Scotland strategies.”