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Register hereThe Register of Interests provides information of any financial interest or other material benefit that a Board or Committee member receives which might reasonably be thought by others to influence his or her actions.
1. Remunerated directorships.
Non-Exec Director, National Union of Students UK.
2. Remunerated employment, office, profession or other activity.
President, National Union of Students Scotland.
3. Clients connected with the further and/or higher education sector or other aspects of the Council’s business.
Members of NUS Scotland:
- Aberdeen University Students’ Association.
- Abertay Students’ Association.
- Edinburgh University Students’ Association.
- GCU Students’ Association.
- Heriot-Watt University Student Union.
- Edinburgh Napier Students’ Association.
- RCS Students’ Union.
- RGU Union.
- University of Stirling Students’ Union.
- Strath Union.
- UWS Students’ Union.
- Ayrshire College (Students’ Association).
- Borders College (Students’ Association).
- City of Glasgow College (Students’ Association).
- Dumfries and Galloway College (Students’ Association).
- Dundee and Angus College (Students’ Association).
- Edinburgh College Students’ Association.
- Fife College (Students’ Association).
- Forth Valley College (Students’ Association).
- Glasgow Clyde College (Students’ Association).
- Glasgow Kelvin College (Students’ Association).
- Highlands & Islands Students’ Association.
- New College Lanarkshire (Students’ Association).
- Newbattle Abbey College (Students’ Association).
- North East Scotland College (Students’ Association).
- South Lanarkshire College (Students’ Association).
- SRUC (Students’ Association).
- West College Scotland (Students’ Association).
- West Lothian College (Students’ Association).
4. Significant gifts or hospitality arising from Board or Committee membership. (To be reported as soon as reasonably practical).
5. Significant shareholdings in a public company where the value is more than 1% of the total issued share value of the company.
6. Significant shareholdings in a private company which might give rise to a conflict of interest or trust.
7. Public activity in support of a political party within the previous five years.
- Co-Chair of National Executive Committee, Scottish Green Party.
- Campaign Manager, Glasgow Green Party.
- Scottish Green Party Candidate for Glasgow List, Scottish Parliament Election 2021.
- Scottish Green Party Candidate for Cardonald, Glasgow City Council Election 2022.
8. Miscellaneous, for example, unremunerated posts, honorary positions and other connections which might give rise to a conflict of interest or trust.
Trustee, sparqs (Student Partnerships in Quality Scotland).
9. Relevant and known interests of spouse, partner and close family.
SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27
Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.