SFC news published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier news articles.

Claudia Cavalluzzo, executive director at Converge

Converge, Scotland’s leading entrepreneurial development programme for universities and research institutes, has officially opened for applications to its 2024 programme.

More than £280,000 in funding and support is available to the winners and runners-up across four challenge categories; Converge, Create Change, KickStart, and Net Zero. Those who make the cut will also enjoy access to the advice, networking events, and training that make Converge a highly regarded company creation initiative.

Part-funded by the Scottish Funding Council, Converge has supported more than 670 people to launch more than 420 companies over the last 13 years and has raised £360 million in follow-on funding along the way. Companies formed by Converge alumni have an 80% survival rate after three years.

Dr Claudia Cavalluzzo, executive director of Converge, said:

“Converge is committed to empowering and supporting the next generation of diverse founders and innovators who are driven by purpose and passion to make a difference in the world.

“We take a collaborative, ecosystem approach – working closely with universities, research institutes, investors, corporate partners and other organisations to help these brave individuals turn their dreams into reality. By backing talented, mission-led founders and connecting them to the full range of Scotland’s entrepreneurial support system, we can have an even greater collective impact.

“Whether it’s a climate-focused business like Robocean who won the 2022 Converge Net Zero Challenge or a company addressing other societal needs, our goal is to foster more inclusive innovation and harness Scotland’s spirit of invention to build a better future.”
