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Gaelic language

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SFC is committed to the support and development of the Gaelic language and, as a major national public body in Scotland, has the potential to make a significant contribution to Gaelic learning and research in Scotland’s colleges and universities.

We have made a major commitment to Gaelic in recent years through our investment in areas such as Gaelic language provision and teacher training.

Gaelic Language Plan

SFC’s Gaelic Language Plan was approved by Bòrd na Gàidhlig and outlines how we have been contributing to securing the future of Gaelic language in Scotland through our work with colleges and universities and how we will use Gaelic in our corporate identity and administration.

SFC funded

Gaelic activity

On our website

We welcome correspondence in Gaelic and endeavour to respond in Gaelic, acknowledging receipt within 20 working days.

SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27

Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.

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Gàidhlig English