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Funding for universities

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Our core funding for universities contributes to the cost of high quality learning, teaching and research capacity, and funds academic, administrative, technical and support staff. It also funds facilities, accommodation, equipment and materials.

University funding announcements and Outcomes Framework

University funding announcements are issued throughout each year and SFC’s Outcomes Framework sets out SFC’s expectations of universities  in return for the funding that they receive.

Research and Innovation

  • The Research Excellence Grant (REG) supports world-leading research in Scottish universities, ensuring Scotland remains globally competitive and attractive to the best researchers.
  • The Research Postgraduate Grant (RPG) invests in the environment needed for high quality research training and supports postgraduate research students to contribute to research in Scotland.
  • The University Innovation Fund (UIF) supports universities to work collaboratively to exploit their research to improve Scotland’s economy.

Skills and lifelong learning

Support for universities comes from a number of funding streams, including

Fair Access

SFC funding for Fair Access supports education that is accessible to learners from all backgrounds and all of our actions contribute to delivering the targets and recommendations outlined in A Blueprint for Fairness.


Capital funding for universities covers land, buildings and equipment and supports our work to secure effective and sustainable spaces for learning, research and innovation.

SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27

Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.

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