SFC news published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier news articles.

Photo: Glasgow Clyde College
The Scottish Government launched its Review of the Regional Strategic Bodies within the Glasgow and Lanarkshire college regions consultation on 17 June 2024.
Interested parties are being asked to share their views on the Scottish Government’s proposals to reform the regional strategic bodies (RSBs) for the Glasgow and Lanarkshire multi-college regions.
Multi-college regions were established in 2014 as part of the national college regionalisation project. This was designed to reduce duplication, simplify pathways through education and better align colleges with regional economies. The project led to the creation of 13 college regions. Three of the regions, Glasgow, Lanarkshire and Highlands and Islands, contained more than one college and were designated multi college regions.
In May this year, Graeme Dey, Minister for Higher and Further Education; and Minister for Veterans, announced in the Scottish Parliament, plans to consult on proposals to reform the regional strategic bodies for the Glasgow and Lanarkshire multi-college regions.
The Scottish Government has been clear that any future changes will strengthen oversight and accountability of the Glasgow and Lanarkshire colleges, while continuing to support regional coordination of curriculum planning and provision of streamlined learner pathways.
Full background details are available in the Scottish Government’s consultation paper which also contains information on how to respond. The consultation seeks views on the proposals by 20 September 2024.