SFC news published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier news articles.

Photo (left to right): Newbattle Abbey College, UHI Perth, Fife College, City of Glasgow College
The latest College Performance Indicators report from the Scottish Funding Council shows an increase in the percentage of students completing their course.
The report, published today, takes a sector-wide look at the performance of Scotland’s colleges in 2022-23 and illustrates trends over the past decade. Today’s figures show a 4.6pp increase in the completion rate for those studying on a further education course and a 3pp increase amongst those studying for a higher education qualification.
The report distinguishes between students who completed their course by achieving the qualification they wished to attain and those who followed their course of study to the end but left without achieving the qualification they were aiming for. In 2022-23, successful completion rates rose to 63.6% for further education and to 65.5% for higher education. In both cases, however, these remain lower than the pre-pandemic rates.
The report also found that male students were more likely than female students to successfully complete their further education programme while the opposite was true for higher education.
Full details of all the findings in today’s report are now available along with supporting documentation.