SFC news published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier news articles.

Interface has released the shortlist for the fourth Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards, highlighting the best examples of businesses and universities or research institutions working together to bring significant benefits to the economy, society and higher education.

Award categories include Innovation of the Year, Rising Star of the Year, and Multiparty collaboration for groups and consortia involving three or more parties working together on an innovative research project and include a research partner from Scottish academia and at least one business.

The four judging panels were made up of representatives from; Scottish Funding Council, Entrepreneurial Scotland, College Development Network, Zero Waste Scotland, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Government, Knowledge Transfer Network and the Interface Strategic Board.

SFC Senior Policy and Analysis Officer Gary Bannon who sat on one of judging panels said:

“This year’s shortlist, which represents eight Scottish universities and more than 50 businesses, really highlights the scale of innovative thinking and entrepreneurship across Scotland’s business and research sectors. It’s great to see such a wide variety of effective partnerships making a difference across Scotland, as well as those with a global impact.”

Dr Siobhán Jordan, Director of Interface, said:

“Business and academic partnerships can spark truly cutting-edge collaborative projects leading to significant innovation which can have a major impact on the economy and society. We are delighted to host these annual awards, which go from strength to strength, and allow us to showcase the most exciting and game changing research and development which is happening in Scotland today.”

Funded by the SFC, Scottish Enterprise, and Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Interface offers a free and impartial brokerage service, which helps companies and organisations solve their business challenges by connecting them with world-leading Scottish research expertise.

The winners will be announced at the Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards on Thursday 21 February.

See the full shortlist online.

