SFC news published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier news articles.

Care Day is a national opportunity to celebrate the lives and voices of care experienced people. The first Care Day took place in 2015 to commemorate the anniversary of the Scottish Parliament passing the Children and Young People Bill. Care Day is now a regular event and takes place on the third Friday in February.

This year SFC is marking the occasion with a fundraising coffee morning. Proceeds will go towards the Who Cares? Scotland annual Summer Camp and to supporting Who Cares? Scotland’s participation in this year’s Kiltwalk.

SFC’s Vonnie Sandlan also wrote a blog ahead of Care Day about why it’s important care experienced people are supported effectively at college and university.

SFC works closely with the college and university sectors, agencies, and organisations such as Who Cares? Scotland and CELCIS, and with these partners has set a National Ambition that there is no difference in the outcomes of care experienced learners compared to their peers by 2021-22.

For more information on Care Day and how you can support it, visit Who Cares? Scotland’s Care Day 2019 campaign page.
