SFC news published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier news articles.

Increasing numbers of students leaving the college sector are moving on to work, training or further study according to a new report from the Scottish Funding Council.

The latest figures, published today, show that almost nine in every ten people leaving the sector in 2017-18 went on to what are described as “positive destinations” – 0.8% up on the previous year.

The report also shows that unemployment and unavailability for work for college sector leavers decreased in the same period from 11.7% to 10.9%. Within this figure those with the most advanced qualifications were over three times less likely to be unemployed or unavailable for work than those with less advanced qualifications.

Karen Watt, Chief Executive of the Scottish Funding Council, said:

“Scotland’s colleges are making their courses relevant to employers and ensuring students have the skills they need to succeed in the workplace. Today’s figures show the vital role colleges play in shaping the future prospects of individual students but also in supporting the needs of the wider economy.”

Looking at students who remained at college for a further session, 86.8% progressed to a higher level of study on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework, a 4.4% increase on the 2016-17 figures.

College Leaver Destinations 2017-18 is available online.
