SFC news published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier news articles.
A planning application has been submitted for the development of the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS).
NMIS is a £65 million, industry-led international centre of manufacturing expertise led by the Scottish Government in partnership with its enterprise and skills agencies, the University of Strathclyde and Renfrewshire Council.
Operated by Strathclyde, as a national facility for Scotland, it is where research, industry and the public sector work together to transform skills, productivity and innovation to attract investment and make Scotland a global leader in advanced manufacturing.
It provides a focal point for applied manufacturing research, innovation and skills expertise from all over Scotland, thereby strengthening Scotland’s reputation for R&D and attracting inward investment.
The services and support that NMIS will provide will be shaped by industry. Through elements such as a Skills Academy, Digital Factory 2050, and an ‘Innovation Collaboratory’, NMIS will provide a focal point to connect business with manufacturing research, innovation and skills expertise from colleges and universities all over Scotland.
NMIS is led by the Scottish Government in partnership with Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Skills Development Scotland, the Scottish Funding Council, the University of Strathclyde, and Renfrewshire Council.
More than £65 million is being invested in the centre, including £8 million by Strathclyde, which is the facility’s anchor university, and £48 million by the Scottish Government.
SFC has provided £400,000 this year (from a total of £1.5M), over three years to support an NMIS PhD Programme and a CPD programme. The funding to support this comes from the Scottish Government and will deliver 30 industry doctorate projects designed specifically around industry needs, and provides a pathway for Scottish universities to collaborate on skills provision and the delivery of solutions to industry challenges and opportunities in advanced and digital manufacturing.