SFC news published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier news articles.

Consultation is now open on the process for managing complaints and investigations relating to Research Excellence Framework 2021 Codes of Practice.

The online consultation form is now live at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/YFG7DSM.

Responses are due by 6 March 2020.

The UK funding bodies are seeking the views of the sector on the appropriateness and clarity of the draft REF 2021 complaints and investigations (C&I) process, to ensure that a range of views from a variety of stakeholders are considered in finalising the process.

The purpose of the C&I process is to provide assurance to the UK funding bodies that codes of practice are applied as set out by institutions participating in REF 2021. This assurance helps meet the obligations of the UK funding bodies concerning equality, diversity and inclusion.

Each institution making a submission to REF 2021 is required to develop, document and apply a code of practice on the fair and transparent processes used for making key decisions in their submissions to the exercise.

In the REF 2021 publication ‘Guidance on codes of practice’ (REF 2019/03), the UK funding bodies committed to putting in place measures to enable individuals to make a formal complaint where it is believed that the agreed processes set out within a code of practice are not being followed by an HEI.

For further information about REF 2021 see www.ref.ac.uk.

For further information about the REF COP see https://www.ref.ac.uk/publications/guidance-on-codes-of-practice-201903/.
