SFC news published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier news articles.
A record number of students (302,660) were enrolled on higher education courses at Scotland’s Universities and Colleges in 2018-19 according to a new report from the Scottish Funding Council. This represents a 2% increase (5,965 students) on the 2017-18 figure.
There has also been a 1.5% increase in the number of entrants to Higher Education courses at Scotland’s Universities and Colleges since 2017-18, bringing the total number to 143,915 in 2018-19. That is an increase in entrants of 2,095.
The highest level of qualifiers from Scottish institutions in the last 10 years was also reached with 110,150, which is a 5.8% (5,990 qualifiers) increase on the previous academic year.
In another report on students’ eligibility for funding out today there has been an increase of 7,325 students eligible for funding up by 5.1% since the 2015-16 academic year.
Since the 2015-2016 academic year the number of undergraduate students eligible for funding increased by 4.2%. For taught postgraduates this increased by 16.2% while for research postgraduates the number increased by 5.1%.
In a third report from SFC today full-time staffing numbers at Scotland’s colleges have roughly stayed the same, with roughly half of all staff teaching and the other half working in support.
Women continue to account for 61% of all staff headcount in 2018-19 and account for 54% of teaching and 69% of non-teaching staff.