SFC news published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier news articles.
Today the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) is pleased to confirm that the Scottish Government has made up to £300,000 available to the college sector in Financial Year 2020-21 from the Tackling Child Poverty Fund. Particularly during this time, the impacts of Covid-19 mean that proposals are expected to include evidence of how colleges will work with partners to increase support to those young people and families who need it most.
SFC is looking for proposals from colleges and their partners that support or scale up preventative approaches. This is to help ensure that young people who have grown up in poverty have a sustainable route to better outcomes and a route out of poverty. Proposals can also look to support young mothers and fathers in further education, acknowledging the particular support they need and enabling them to build a future for themselves and their families.
This call for proposals supersedes the call that closed on 6 January 2020, which was subsequently interrupted by the Covid-19 crisis. Proposals submitted at that time will not automatically be considered for this current call. And whilst colleges are welcome to resubmit their original proposal, consideration should be given to whether that proposal meets the requirements in the updated guidance in the context of Covid-19. Colleges are invited to submit proposals for funding by 31 August 2020.
Dr Donna MacKinnon, SFC’s Director for Access, Learning and Outcomes said,
“Whatever their background, all children and young people deserve the same chance to reach their full educational potential.
“Colleges play a crucial role, embedded in our communities, in providing educational opportunities for those living in poverty.
“During these times of Covid-19, it is more important than ever that those in poverty are given every opportunity and we continue the efforts to close the attainment gap.
“This money will help Colleges in Scotland to deliver innovative opportunities for children and young people to succeed.”