SFC news published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier news articles.

A new blueprint for the digital age has been published today by a partnership that includes the Scottish Funding Council, College Development Network (CDN), Colleges Scotland and Jisc.

Described as “bold and inspirational”, the report focusses on how colleges can best prepare for new working practices through training and upskilling. Taking a people-centred approach, the plan also addresses the need to provide fair and equal opportunities for all in Scotland’s digital future.

Colleges across Scotland have already introduced pioneering digital initiatives, including Dundee and Angus’s Cyber Lab, which mirrors the real-life working conditions of cyber security experts. At Forth Valley College, staff have used a £65,000 investment from the SFC-administered College Innovation Fund to design an online course for healthcare workers. Glasgow Kelvin College has identified the need for a personal digital hub for students and developed the MyKelvin app. The app allows students to check their timetable, attendance record, library loans and other information about their life at college.

As part of the plan, colleges will provide high-quality opportunities for staff to improve their digital skills, and to put these into practice in their teaching and communication with students.

The Principal of Forth Valley College, Dr Ken Thomson OBE, who led the short life working group which produced the report, said:

“Thanks to digital, learning will be more engaging, giving students more flexibility. We will also be able to work with predictive analytics from real-life data, meaning that we will be able to identify students who require extra support, and use the data to support their learner journey progression.”

Our Digital Ambition for Scotland’s Colleges is now available online.
