SFC news published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier news articles.
Universities UK and GuildHE have launched the opportunity for institutions to sign up to the Knowledge Exchange (KE) Concordat. The Concordat includes eight principles to participate in the development year for England. The KE Concordat is a UK-wide initiative; however institutions from across the UK can participate in the development year.
The KE Concordat provides a framework for effective knowledge exchange and supports institutions to develop clear and ambitious strategic objectives for their KE activities. The development year will provide peer feedback to participating institutions on their strategic objectives and action plans and share examples of approaches to improvement and development of KE policies, practices and strategies.
Dr Stuart Fancey, Director, Research and Innovation, Scottish Funding Council said:
“The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) welcomes the KE Concordat as a positive contribution to furthering good practice in effective knowledge exchange. We are currently conducting a ‘review of coherent provision and sustainability’ and will consider the role of the Concordat in supporting our strategy for KE and innovation within that context.
In the meantime, we encourage institutions to sign-up to the guiding principles of the Concordat, while recognising that the current challenging environment may impact on the level of priority and implementation that can be given this year. We see this year as an opportunity to learn how the Concordat is adopted and implemented across the UK. The opportunity for any UK institution to take part in the development year process in England, should they wish to do so, is welcomed in this context.”
Institutions can sign up to the principles contained in the KE concordat and participate in the development year for England through completing a Letter of Commitment. Details of the self evaluation and action plan exercises that form part of the development year have been released on the KE concordat portal for institutions to see what is involved.
The evaluation of institutional action plans will be undertaken by evaluators drawn from the sector and partners. The nomination forms and criteria for evaluators will be issued in December 2020 with evaluators selected by February 2021.