SFC news published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier news articles.
Review of Coherent Provision
and Sustainability
In a report published today, the Scottish Government has detailed its response to the Scottish Funding Council’s Review of Tertiary Education and Research, broadly accepting all the recommendations.
Jamie Hepburn, Minister for Higher Education, Further Education, Youth Employment and Training, described the review as thoughtful and noted its determination to balance ambition and pragmatism.
The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) had been asked by the Scottish Government to review how it could best fulfil its mission for tertiary education and research in challenging and changing times.
SFC’s review was based on the ideas and expertise of people from across all areas of Scottish tertiary education, innovation and research. Published at the end of June, its final report made wide-ranging proposals including recommendations about digital learning, how to attract and keep top research talent and a more collaborative approach to leadership.
The review makes a case for evolutionary change across the whole system, building on Scotland’s existing strengths. According to the final report these include a strong commitment to widening participation from disadvantaged communities, three universities in the top 100 in the world and a national commitment to the value of knowledge and education.
The Chair of the Scottish Funding Council, Mike Cantlay, said:
“I am grateful for the Scottish Government’s well-considered response to our review. We now know we have a robust and well-received set of recommendations to take forward in partnership with colleges, universities and other partners.
“I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the contribution and support we have had from colleges, universities and the many other organisations and stakeholders who have been part of this Review.
“Today marks a new and exciting point in the future of Scotland’s tertiary education and research system.”
The review report, Coherence and Sustainability: A review of Tertiary Education and Research is now available on the Scottish Funding Council’s website.
The Scottish Government’s response can be found on the Scottish Government website.