SFC news published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier news articles.

According to the latest National Student Survey, Scottish universities remain ahead of the UK average for overall student satisfaction. 

The 2022 survey, published today, reflects the university experience of final year undergraduate students. Carried out independently by IPSOS-MORI on behalf of the UK funding and regulatory bodies, its questions include how well students feel their course was taught, the kind of resources provided, and how they received assessment and feedback.  

Across Scotland’s universities, 78.6 % of final year undergraduates surveyed were satisfied with the quality of their course compared with a UK average of 76.3%.  

Seven Scottish universities, including Abertay University, the University of Aberdeen and the University of Edinburgh recorded an increase in student satisfaction. For the fourteenth time in the last sixteen years the University of St Andrews is the institution with the highest level of satisfaction in Scotland. 

James Dunphy, Director of Access, Learning and Outcomes at the Scottish Funding Council, said: 

“We are committed to ensuring students can influence their educational experience by having their voice heard and valued. The National Student Survey is one of the ways we can tune into that student voice, and it is encouraging to see Scotland’s universities continuing to perform well in a UK context.  

“Today’s results also provide universities with areas for improvement, and I know that together with student bodies they will work to ensure plans are in place to act on the findings, and further enhance the student experience.” 

Earlier this year the results of the UK-wide assessment of university research showed that 90% of Scottish university research had outstanding or very considerable impact, further reinforcing the global reputation of Scottish institutions. 

Read the full results of the 2022 National Student Survey.
