SFC news published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier news articles.

On Friday 7 July pupils from 13 different schools across Fife and Tayside graduated from Lift Off 2 Success, Lift Off’s one week summer residential programme for pupils aspiring to higher education.


The programme provides S4 students the chance to see what moving away from home to attend university/college is like while visiting seven Higher Education Institutions and staying at halls at the University of St Andrews.

Lift Off is one of four programmes across Scotland that make up the National Schools Programme and is funded by The Scottish Funding Council.

SFC launched the National Schools Programme as a resource to strengthen pathways for Senior Phase pupils from under-represented backgrounds looking to pursue higher education.

The National Schools Programme works closely with experts across universities, colleges, and schools to unify existing, successful projects into a cohesive national approach to the delivery of targets identified in A Blueprint for Fairness: Final Report of the Commission on Widening Access.
