SFC news published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier news articles.

Scotland’s newest college has come into being today with the merger of UHI North Highland, UHI Outer Hebrides, and  UHI West Highland  to form  UHI North, West and Hebrides.

The merger follows parliamentary approval of a business case that was the subject of a public consultation held last summer. With 19 campuses, and centres spread across the region the new college will provide facilities for 9,000 students and 600 staff.

UHI North, West and Hebrides aims to enhance the student experience and to develop new curriculum, innovation, and commercial opportunities. Its strategic ambitions include providing new skills and innovation pipelines to meet workforce needs and supporting the growth of key sectors such as renewable energy, engineering, advanced manufacturing and space ports.

The college will also work with communities to develop Gaelic as an economic and social asset.

Colaiste ùr air bhonn

Thàinig a’ cholaiste as ùire aig Alba gu bith an-diugh le aonachadh UHI Gàidhealtachd a Tuath, UHI Innse Gall, agus UHI Gàidhealtachd an Iar airson UHI a Tuath, an Iar agus Innse Gall a chruthachadh.

Cho-aonaich iad às dèidh don phàrlamaid aontachadh ri cùis gnothaich a bha fo cho-chomhairleachadh poblach as t-samhradh an-uiridh. Le 19 campasan, agus ionadan foghlaim sgapte air feadh na roinne, cuiridh a’ cholaiste ùr goireasan an tairgse 9000 oileanach is 600 neach-obrach.

Tha UHI a Tuath, an Iar agus Innse Gall ag amas air saoghal nan oileanach fheabhasachadh agus clàr-teagaisg, ùr-ghnàthachas, is cothroman coimearsalta ùra a leasachadh. An lùib a rùintean ro-innleachdail, tha a bhith a’ solar sgilean ùra agus pròiseactan ùr-ghnàthachais a-rèir feuman feachd-obrach, agus a’ cumail taic ri fàs nam prìomh raointean gnìomhachais leithid lùtha ath-nuadhachail, einnseanaireachd, obair saothrachaidh agus puirt-fhànais.

Bidh a’ cholaiste ag obair cuideachd còmhla ri coimhearsnachdan chum Gàidhlig a leasachadh mar bhuannachd eaconamach, shòisealta.
