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Chief Executive directorate

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Under the leadership of the CEO, the Chief Executive’s directorate works to ensure that SFC is a high performing, well governed and effective organisation. The directorate includes Human Resources and Transformation, CEO and Chair Support Team, and Corporate Governance, which encompasses corporate performance, risk management, information governance and secretariat functions for the Board.

Martin Boyle, Interim Chief Executive.

Louisa Baker, Deputy Director, Governance & Planning/Secretary to the Board, 0131 313 6659.

Ryan Bell, Deputy Director of People & Transformation, 0131 313 6513.

Chief Executive's Office

Jules Davidson-Welch, Senior Business Manager, 0131 313 6500.

Carol Creamer, Receptionist / Admin, 0131 313 6500.

Sarah Bennett, PA to the Chair, 0131 313 6620.

Fiona Gray, PA to Chief Executive, 0131 313 6505.

Governance and Planning

Elaine Anderson, Assistant Director, Governance and Planning, 0131 313 6500.

Jenny Bettson, Assistant Director, Information Governance, 0131 313 6500.

Alison Madge, Assistant Director, Information Governance, 0131 313 6500.

Becky Hall, Senior Information Management and Governance Officer, 0131 313 6500.

Emma Pantel, Senior Information Management and Governance Officer, 0131 313 6500.

Gillian Phillips, Senior Governance Officer, 0131 313 6688.


Human Resources

Helen Gibson, Assistant Director – HR & Organisational Development, 0131 313 6647.

Lorraine Malins, HR Transformation Project Manager, 0131 313 6500.

Ian McCracken, Head of Human Resources, 0131 313 6597.

Lucy Hodgson, Talent Acquisition Lead, 0131 313 6690.

Audrey Chalmers, HR Advisor, 0131 313 6680.

Kate Lacka, HR Adviser, 0131 313 6547.

Amy Noble, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Adviser, 0131 313 6651.

Morag Muttitt, Assistant Human Resources Officer, 0131 313 6595.

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SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27

Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.

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