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Our Funding

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We invest around £2 billion a year in Scotland’s 19 universities and 24 colleges for learning and teaching, skills development, research and innovation, staff, buildings and equipment. 

We also provide funding to colleges to offer bursaries to students (up to, but not including, Higher National Certificate (HNC) level). Funding for students studying at HNC level and above is available through the Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS). For further information see Advice for students.

Outcomes Framework (OF)  and Assurance Model (AM)

The Outcomes Framework (OF) and Assurance Model (AM) together comprise the revised approach to assurance and accountability. Developed in response to the recommendations in the SFC’s 2021 Review of Coherence and Sustainability, it replaced previous assurance and accountability arrangements (including Outcome Agreements) from Academic Year 2024-25.

SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27

Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.

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