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Professor Lesley Yellowlees CBE

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Professor Lesley Yellowlees completed both her BSc in Chemical Physics and her PhD in Inorganic Electrochemistry at the University of Edinburgh.

After completing research positions in Brisbane, Australia and Glasgow she returned to an academic position in Edinburgh in 1986 and gained a personal chair in Inorganic Electrochemistry in 2005. Lesley was Head of the School of Chemistry and then Vice Principal and Head of the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Edinburgh.

Lesley was President of the Royal Society of Chemistry from 2012-14, their first woman President in 175 years. Lesley was awarded an MBE in 2005 for services to science and a CBE for services to Chemistry in 2014. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Her re-appointment runs from 3 October 2021 to 2 October 2025.

Register of interests

1. Remuneration

Trinity College Dublin.
Villum Experiment, Denmark.

2. Other roles

Edinburgh Napier University Court.
Darwin Trust.
Newbattle Abbey College Trust.
Royal Society of Edinburgh Council.

3. Contracts


4. Houses, Land and Buildings


5. Interest in shares and securities


6. Gifts and Hospitality


7. Non-financial interests


8. Close family members


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