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College Infrastructure Strategy Delivery Plan Update



  1. The College Infrastructure Strategy (CIS) Delivery Plan was published in December 2023 and outlined an ambitious programme to deliver an Infrastructure Investment Plan (IIP) for the college sector.
  2. Through the course of 2024 we have worked within demanding and tight timescales to fully understand what information and data colleges could provide and where gaps may exist.
  3. The new and improved approach described in this update focuses on three infrastructure themes; physical, digital and net zero. These align with Scottish Government policies, national priorities and strategic outcomes. Embedding these themes within the Infrastructure Investment Plan will ensure college infrastructure development is aligned in turn with future strategic requirements and available funding.
  4. A draft investment plan will be produced by early 2025 and the next steps are laid out in detail below.

Baseline 2024

  1. We have just completed a challenging but very productive collaboration with colleges across Scotland to produce, within a short period of time, the first ever infrastructure baseline for the entire college estate. This is already providing us with valuable insights on investment planning within colleges.
  2. Colleges responded positively to Baseline 2024, supplying information to help provide the estate level and individual college investment plans and requirements for the foreseeable future.
  3. Achieving this important milestone means we are now in a position to provide a
    ground-breaking Stage One IIP in early 2025.
  4. Baseline 2024 identified improvement areas. It also indicated where infrastructure strategies, funding applications and more robust infrastructure investment plans are needed to provide a more accurate forward looking infrastructure investment plan.
  5. On a rolling basis, subsequent revisions of the baseline will refine and improve the accuracy and integrity of the data in a consistent and reliable way.

Summary of Baseline 2024 activities leading into Stage 1

Activity Description Timeframe to completion
Procurement and tendering Specification, procurement and public tender for external expertise and support to baseline the college estate. March 2024
Kick off Award of contract and project kick off. April 2024
Development Development of project and configuration of Baseline 2024 tool provided by AtkinsRealis to collect college information and data. June to July 2024
Engagement with colleges Engagement with colleges to understand estate wide and local college issues. Carry out activities to maximise engagement and participation in the process and readiness for data collection including numerous pilot group sessions, a sector workshop, webinar, webinar Navigator training and online video and one to one drop-in sessions. July to October 2024
Data gathering Information and data collection window for colleges to collect college, campus and block (building or equivalent asset) information and data. August to early October 2024
Analysis Validation of data and identification of strengths and weaknesses of information and data provided. Mid-late October 2024
Outputs Outputs and reporting including dashboard reporting and access-controlled reporting at estate, college, campus and block level. November 2024
Approvals & committees Approval process through Capital Committee and SFC Board. January to February 2025
IIP 2024 Production of first Infrastructure Investment Plan with 2024 information and data. February 2025
Lessons learned Lessons learned to identify sectoral, individual college engagement and data collection improvement opportunities. February to March 2025

Stage One – completion in early 2025

  • Governance.
  • Baselining estate.
  • Investment themes.
  • Strategic options for colleges.
  • Capital funding models.
  • Elements of Future Operating Models relating to the review of digital infrastructure and Net Zero.
  • Adaptation of Scottish Capital Investment Manual (SCIM) for colleges.
  • Preparation of Stage 1 Infrastructure Investment Plan.
  • The identification of systemic issues and estate wide gaps that require policy decisions, guidance and methods for colleges to report and improve the quality of their infrastructure planning and investment pipeline.
  • Internal approvals and committee process prior to publication of IIP in early 2025.

Next Steps

  1. The potential to improve and refine capital investment planning with colleges in a more sophisticated and methodical way is huge. From the evidence already identified it is clear that, with better information and data, investment planning could be considered holistically. An estate-wide view would provide better insights and more informed decision making.
  2. To fully support colleges to contribute to the Infrastructure Investment Plan, a Stage Two will be completed by the end of winter 2025. It will include any areas of work that can be further developed from Stage One.
  3. Stage Two – completion by the end of winter 2025.
  4. Stage Two is a logical continuation of Stage One and will build on the foundations successfully laid down there.
  5. Stage Two will include:
    • Further development of Stage One.
    • Updated information from colleges.
    • Any additional updates to capital funding models that have been identified.
    • Completion of the Future Operating Models work.
    • Refinement of investment themes relating to net zero, collaboration opportunities and best practice.
    • Possible support options for colleges to further engage with the Infrastructure Investment Plan.
    • Provide benchmarks for colleges on comparable information.
    • Training for college estate teams to prepare business cases and a joined-up infrastructure investment process to improve the use and quality of assets and resources.
    • Objective evaluation criteria defined to progress and prioritise business cases.
    • The Stage 2 IIP which will encompass the outputs from all seven work packages.
  6. Looking further forward, once established, the IIP will evolve into an iterative process becoming a 10-year rolling plan.
  7. The Stage Two steps and updated timeline are outlined below:
Stage Two Description Timeframe for delivery
Feedback Use lessons learned to refine updated Baseline 2025 data collection. Refine tool/ process where required. February 2025
Training Provide guidance to college sector for updating infrastructure strategies and completing Strategic Outline Cases. June 2025
Support for colleges Identify support requirements and how these would benefit colleges to improve the quality and integrity of data. August 2025
Baseline 2025 Data collection window to update and refresh 2024 data. September 2025
Analysis of Baseline Data Analyse information and data provided. October 2025
Analysis of other work packages Update content on alternative capital funding models, future operating models, refinement of investment themes, evaluation criteria and all other data needed for IIP. October 2025
Outputs Update output reports and information to be used in IIP 2025. November 2025
IIP 2025 Produce IIP 2025 with a 10-year rolling investment programme. By end of winter 2025

Our reasoning for a two-stage approach

The right support and the best information

  1. The development of a national college IIP is an incredibly complex and challenging piece of work. We are focused on getting every aspect of it as right as we possibly can and are working in close partnership with colleges to ensure we do so.
  2. The approach set out above will allow us to give the right level of support to colleges who need it, and to help them provide us with the most comprehensive level of data possible to inform the IIP. This will improve the accuracy and integrity of investment planning in areas where colleges have not routinely collected information and the data now requested.

SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27

Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.

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