Field | Title | Explanation |
A | Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) candidate number | Student’s unique SQA number; if student has no SQA candidate number leave field blank. |
B | Programme directory number | This number is a unique number in FES which identifies each programme and allows matching to the student FES record. This should be 8 characters in length. |
C | College Programme ID | Unique identifier for programme(s) as used by the college that the student is enrolled on to and as reported in FES. This should be provided at the course group/period level. |
D | Student matriculation number | Student’s unique college matriculation number. |
E | Surname | Student’s surname. |
F | Full forename | Student’s first name. |
G | Sex of student | Sex of the student Please select a suitable option from the drop-down menu (Male/Female/prefer not to say/unknown). |
H | Date of Birth | Student’s full date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy format). |
I | Home post code | Postcode of student’s permanent home location |
J | Household income | Combined incomes of all people sharing a particular household or place of residence of the candidate. |
K | Level of final EMA payment (£30) | Fixed field – weekly allowance the student is entitled to. |
L | Mode of attendance | Student’s mode of attendance will be part-time or full-time. Please select a suitable option from the drop-down menu (full-time or part-time). |
M | Total EMA paid, excluding admin payments (£) | Total amount of maintenance money paid to the candidate excluding the administration fee paid to colleges. |
N | Total number of weekly payments made to student | Number of weekly payments made (not pounds paid) to the student cumulative of the number of weekly payments received. Again, this should exclude any administration payments. |
O | Expected total payment (= weeks x level of payment) | Calculated field – expected total payment |
P | Total error check | Error check – if weeks by payment level does not = total EMA cell will be highlighted red. |
Q | Student started after 13 January 2023 |
Students who enrolled or became eligible for an EMA after the January return was submitted should be recorded in this return to ensure the administration cost is paid to your college. Please select a suitable option from the drop-down menu (yes or no). |
Steve McDonald
Chief Funding and Information Officer
SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27
Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.