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Guidance for Foundation Apprenticeships 2024-25



  1. I am writing to provide guidance on Foundation Apprenticeship provision for colleges in Academic Year (AY) 2024-25, including eligibility criteria and reporting requirements.
  2. Since March 2022 the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) has been accountable for the funding and delivery of Foundation Apprenticeships (FAs) delivered directly through Scotland’s colleges.
  3. This document has been produced to assist colleges to deliver FAs at Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) Levels 4, 5 and 6 in AY 2024-25. The options include
    FA SCQF Level 6 Two Year Delivery Model or Shorter Duration Delivery Model (SDDM), and FA SCQF Level 4/5 One Year Delivery Model plus an additional one year for Additional Support Needs (ASN) if appropriate.


  1. FAs were first introduced in AY 2014-15 offering senior phase school pupils access to structured work-based learning to industry-recognised standards. There are FA frameworks at SCQF Levels 4, 5 and 6. The model has evolved, and delivery partners now include Local Authorities (LAs) and independent learning providers as lead partners.
  2. The aim of the programme is to create a high-quality work-based learning experience within S3 through to the senior phase of education (S4-S6) that:
  • Offers learners the opportunity to develop accredited skills and capability within a work-based context.
  • Enables employers to make a structured contribution to the learning of school age pupils by providing real-life work-based situations and projects.
  • Develops meta-skills within individuals that can contribute to work readiness and create high performing employees.
  1. The SCQF Level 4/5 programmes require a different model of delivery to FAs at Level 6 by focusing on:
  • Delivery in schools supported by expertise from employers, practitioners and other experts as required.
  • Project-based learning that can be related to the school curriculum.
  • Emphasis on the development of meta-skills for learners using work-based projects and situations.
  1. Following Education Scotland’s Review of Foundation Apprenticeship Provision in Scotland, published in March 2022, Scottish Government (SG) initiated the Foundation Apprenticeship Enhancement Group (FAEG). Group membership comprises representation from SFC, Skills Development Scotland (SDS), Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), Education Scotland and Association of Directors of Education in Scotland and is Chaired by SG. FAEG has developed a short-term action plan to address points identified by the HMIE report.
  2. FAEG continues to meet to develop and deliver enhancements to FAs ensuring that the qualification plays an important role within the education and skills system and has particular importance in broadening and enhancing learner experience within senior phase.

National Outcomes

  1. FAs support the delivery of SFC’s strategic objective to invest in education that is accessible to learners from all backgrounds and throughout life; gives them a high-quality learning experience and supports them to succeed in their studies; provides opportunities to participate; and equips them to flourish in employment, further study and fulfilling lives. They also support the Scottish Government’s strategic priority of high-quality learning in a system which is seamlessly connected for the learner. This includes learning which prepares people well for the world of work and successful
    long-term careers, prioritising provision that meets known skills gaps in the economy.
  2. SFC is firmly committed to work-based learning as part of the wider curriculum offer and is supportive of FAs as a vehicle for increasing work-based learning pathways.

Outcome Framework and Assurance Model

  1. The Outcomes Framework and Assurance Model will replace the current assurance and accountability arrangements (including Outcome Agreements) from AY 2024-25. The Outcomes Framework sets the outcomes that SFC requires colleges and universities to deliver under nine headings.
  2. The Assurance Model is the method by which SFC monitors and engages with institutions, so that we gain the assurance we need that the desired outcomes are being achieved. FAs are particularly important in the support of the delivery of SFC’s Skills and Work-based Learning outcome:

Institutions produce confident and highly capable work-ready graduates, engaging with employers to respond to industry and sector needs, skills alignment and to co-create solutions to challenges.  Students are equipped with the skills and knowledge to find employment, flourish in their career, meet employer needs and make a positive contribution to society and the economy.

  1. FAs also contribute to other outcomes such as High-Quality Learning and Teaching and Student Interests, Access and Success.

Delivering FAs

  1. SFC and SDS will continue to work together to ensure consistency is maintained across all FA provision. Regional partnerships between colleges, LAs and employers are key to the delivery of a high-quality FA programme. The extensive expertise and experience of a multi-partnership approach has a strong role to play. It is recognised that each member of the multi-partnership approach will bring expertise which can support FAs and provide high quality delivery.
  2. Communities of Practice (COPs) are delivered throughout the academic year and provide opportunities to develop good practice in delivery of FA qualifications. SFC recommends that colleges participate in these events to develop and share good practice. These events, along with the college’s quality processes, provide assurance to SFC that good practice is being shared effectively.

Eligibility criteria

  1. To be eligible to participate in an approved FA framework, a student must satisfy the criteria set out below. Colleges shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that the student meets all the eligibility criteria as set out below.
  • A student must be domiciled in Scotland at their start date or be a student who is not domiciled in Scotland but whose S3 (for Level 4/5) or senior phase (for Level 4/5/6) of education is provided predominantly in Scotland.
  • A student studying a Level 6 FA must be in senior phase of education at the start of the course (i.e., S4-S6), and for Level 4 and Level 5 FA a student must be in either S3 or in the senior phase of education (i.e., S4-S6).
  • The proposed student must have demonstrated an appropriate ability to complete the selected FA framework whilst still participating in their S3/senior phase of education, whichever is appropriate to the SCQF level.
  1. If, as a result of exceptional circumstances, any student has not completed their FA Level 6 framework prior to completing their senior phase of secondary education, the college should make every opportunity available to assist the student to complete the qualification. Further advice and support can be received through your SFC Outcome Manager.

Quality management

  1. The Quality Standards that apply to FA providers can be accessed in the SDS Learning Provider area of For colleges, the Quality Assurance Agency will be responsible for reviewing college delivery of courses and programmes on a cyclical basis, as part of the implementation of Scotland’s Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework (TQEF). Further detail about the TQEF can be found on the SFC website at Tertiary Quality Project.

Monitoring and reporting

  1. FA reporting in AY 2024-25 will mirror requirements in place for other college programmes through FE Statistics (FES).
  2. In addition, SFC’s Skills and Coherent Provision team and the Assurance and Outcomes team will meet with college regions to discuss FA progress and delivery and determine provision for the subsequent academic year.
  3. The indicative timeline for SFC / college region engagement is set out below:
  • Start of AY 2024-25: Request for data on the numbers of enrolments by level and FA framework to determine recruitment against expected sector recruitment figures.
  • November-December 2024: Engagement to discuss FA progress to date, delivery and any operational challenges.
  • March-April 2025: Engagement with college regions on FA delivery and plans for AY 2025-26.
  1. Colleges should discuss plans to cease delivery of a Framework with SFC’s Skills and Coherent Provision team.
  2. SFC will monitor the uptake of activity through college reporting and FES returns. The requirements for reporting through FES can be found in the FES Guidance Notes for AY 2024-25 and in Annex B of this paper. SFC will continue to work with SDS to produce a FA Annual Report, facilitated through a joint data sharing agreement.
  3. FA activity funded through LAs: Colleges should not claim credits for FA activity contracted through a LA. If the FA activity is contracted through a Local Authority, then the FA course must be coded as FES 1 Source of Finance code ’05’ SDS and credits cannot be claimed. The Qualification Aim at FES 1 and FES 2 should be code ’40’ Foundation Level Apprenticeship and the FES 2 Target Group should be code ‘2’ Foundation Apprentice.’

Marketing and communications requirements

  1. In promoting the FAs, colleges should take appropriate positive action in marketing to schools, pupils and parents, with a view to improving representation where there is clear imbalance in provision, targeting gender, disability, ethnicity and people who have been in care. A marketing toolkit which provides further guidance on promotion of FAs is available at

Allocations and funding

  1. The Final College Funding Allocations for AY 2024-25 identified that the Scottish Government is committed to FAs as part of senior phase provision and the expectation is that the sector will deliver up to 2,500 opportunities in AY 2024-25. As in AY 2023-24, in setting college credit thresholds for AY 2024-25 we have not identified separate FA credits.
  2. SFC will continue to maximise FA opportunities within our core teaching provision, in line with Scottish Government expectations, whilst recognising the need to balance this alongside other provision.
  3. Colleges can vire funding and credit activity between frameworks within their overall allocation; however, in doing so they should be mindful of the overall provision and the relevance of that provision to the needs of the regional economy.
  4. Colleges should work with LAs to meet demand within the region, up to the budget available. If colleges have capacity to deliver additional activity, and there is unmet demand within the LA, then colleges should aim to deliver that activity.
  5. Colleges should draw down funding for FAs as they would for core funding and comply with SFC’s Credit Guidance for 2024-25.

Learner travel expenses

  1. SDS reviewed FA learner travel expenses which confirmed a change to entitlement from 2023-24. FA level 6 learners will no longer be funded where the free bus pass is viable for use by the learner to get to their college / employer premises. However, where the free bus pass is not justifiably viable, travel claims are permissible up to a maximum of £1,000 per learner or £1,250 if the learner is eligible for a £250 rural uplift.
  2. Colleges are expected to follow the new Travel Claim process as communicated by SDS. Colleges will be expected to draw this funding down at two annual travel payment points (October and February) based on confirmed FA in-training volumes, not on Learner Review Forms. For the two-year delivery model, if travel costs are only needed for the work placement starting in year 2, travel costs of up to £1,000 per learner can be claimed. Please note any funds claimed for travel that are not used for learner travel will be subject to recovery by SDS. Colleges are permitted to cross subsidise the amount claimed across the 2024 starts to support group travel costs.

Conditions of funding

  1. The following conditions apply:
  • Use of funding must meet the eligibility criteria set out in this guidance.
  • Any under-delivery or shortfall in total credit activity may result in the recovery of funding.
  • Colleges must provide data returns requested by SFC to the deadlines and standards specified, including FES reporting requirements.
  • Colleges must provide updates on the funded activity as requested by SFC.
  • In acknowledgement of SFC’s funding contribution, our logo must be displayed on any publicity material relating to FAs (signage, posters, website, etc.). You will also be required to display other logos in recognition of FA delivery – full details are contained within the marketing toolkit on
  1. SFC is committed to processing any personal data fairly, transparently and in accordance with the law. SFC’s privacy notice is available on our website. SFC will use the information submitted by colleges to provide regular updates to the Scottish Government on the current uptake and use of funding. (The Scottish Government’s privacy notice is available on their website.)

Further information

  1. In addition to this guidance document, the following annexes are also available to support this process:
  • Annex A: Breakdown of college credits by framework AY 2024-25
  • Annex B: Reporting Requirements
  • Annex C: FA Delivery Toolkit and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  1. Any queries/requests for further information should be directed to Sharon Drysdale, Deputy Director, Skills and Coherent Provision, e-mail:

Dr. Jacqui Brasted
Interim Director, Access, Learning and Outcomes

Annex A: FA frameworks

  1. There are 12 different FA frameworks at SCQF Level 6. They are designed to provide a work-based learning qualification that meets minimum standards of competence as defined by licensed Sector Skills Councils and industry. Each SCQF Level 6 FA framework contains three key components: skills, knowledge and competence.
  2. There are three SCQF Level 4 and two SCQF Level 5 customised awards, each designed to provide a work-based learning qualification. Each Level 4/5 qualification contains two key components: a work-based learning project and a National Progression Award/Skills for Work qualification. The customised awards are as follows:
  • Construction Level 4 & Level 5.
  • Automotive Level 4.
  • Hospitality Level 4 & Level 5.

Breakdown of College Credits by Framework: AY 2024-25

FA Framework Price group Credits
Level 6: One-Year Delivery Programmes
Accounting 1 14.0
Business Skills 1 12.5
Civil Engineering 3 17.0
Creative & Digital Media 2 14.7
Engineering 3 17.0
Financial Services 1 13.0
Food & Drink Operations 2 13.0
IT: Hardware & System Support 2 12.8
IT: Software Development 2 13.0
Scientific Technologies 2 12.0
Social Services & Healthcare 2 13.2
Social Services (Children & Young People) 2 13
Level 6: Two-Year Delivery Programmes
Accounting 1 7.0
Business Skills 1 6.25
Civil Engineering 3 8.5
Creative & Digital Media 2 7.35
Engineering 3 8.5
Financial Services 1 6.5
Food & Drink Operations 2 6.5
IT: Hardware & System Support 2 6.4
IT: Software Development 2 6.5
Scientific Technologies 2 6.0
Social Services & Healthcare 2 6.6
Social Services (Children & Young People) 2 6.5
Level 4: One-Year Programmes
Automotive 3 7.0
Construction 3 7.0
Hospitality 3 7.0
Level 5: One-Year Programmes
Construction 3 7.0
Hospitality 3 7.0

Annex B: College-Funded FA FES Reporting Requirements

Reporting Requirement Evidence Requirement Evidence Source Comment
Enrolments Student data entered into FES FES Q1 Collection

01 November 2024

Qualification Name
Qualification Aim Qualification Aim at FES Q1 and Q2 should be code ‘40’
Type of Programme – school link
Year of course
Length of course
SQA Entry Group Award
Duration of Programme
Number of planned credits
Group Award
Student e-mail address FES Q2 Collection

07 February 2025

Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) SFC requires assurance that colleges will continue to develop ILPs, aligned to the college procedure, for all learners as part of quality processes In previous years Colleges were asked to retain ILPs for audit purpose as part of SDS contract requirements.

As part of changed accountabilities SFC will require assurance that ILPs are in place for FA learners. This assurance will be secured through engagement with SFC’s Skills and Coherent Provision Team, Outcome Managers, and engagement with Education Scotland HMIEs.

Learner Progress Learner Review Forms SFC requires assurance that colleges are engaging with LAs and providing updates on learner progress via the learner review approach.  There is no requirement for colleges to provide SFC with samples of the Learner Review form. Learner Review Forms were previously required to drawdown travel funding – this is not applicable in AY2024-25.

Assurance will be secured through engagement with SFC’s Skills and Coherent Provision Team and Outcome Managers.

FA learners should have an opportunity to provide feedback on their FA through the colleges formal progress review process.

Employer Engagement Employer contact name

Employer street name

Employer city


FES Q2 Collection

07 February 2025



Employer Work-Based Learning declaration is no longer required by SDS for travel payments. However, SFC will seek assurance that the college continues to engage with employers to ensure they are committed to support the delivery of FAs, including provision of work placements for learners.

SFC assurance will be secured through engagement with SFC’s Skills and Coherent Provision Team, Outcome Managers and engagement with Education Scotland HMIEs.

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code
Equality FES Q2 Collection

07 February 2025

Achievement Programme Element Result FES Q3 Collection

27 June 2025

Travel Funding Volume of in training level 6 students SFC will provide data transfer for in training learners to SDS to enable payment of travel funding.


FAs funded through Local Authorities (LAs)

  1. If FA activity is contracted through an LA then the FA must be coded as FES 1 Source of Finance code ‘05’ SDS. Credits cannot be claimed for this activity. The Qualification Aim at FES 1 and FES 2 should be code ‘40’ Foundation Level Apprenticeships and the FES Target Group should be code ‘2’ Foundation Apprentice.
  2. Colleges must also comply with the following SFC conditions/guidance for AY 2024-25:
  1. In partnership with SFC, SDS will evaluate the achievements of each provider by assessing the achieved performance levels, therefore you are required to make evidence available for performance management purposes.

Annex C: FA delivery toolkit and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. The Foundation Apprenticeship delivery toolkit has been updated which colleges may find helpful. The toolkit includes some new resources including: a mentor guide, equalities information, and a summary which collates all the relevant links into one place for quick access.
  2. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are updated as required.

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