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Review Board: Professor Petra Wend

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Professor Petra Wend was Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Queen Margaret University Edinburgh between 2009 and July 2019.

She has been a member or Chair of a significant number of national and international boards, among them taking on in 2020 the role of Chair of the Board of Hamburg University and Chair of the Global University Leaders Council.

She is auditor of international strategies of German universities for the German Rectors Conference and is part of a small international strategic advisory board for the Secretary of State for Education in Hesse to improve university and college performance in Hesse.

She has also been developing university leadership competencies with a number of European universities and organisations, among them the Associazione Italiana Comunicatori d’Università (AICUN) in Italy, the Centre for Higher Education (CHE) in Germany and the European University Association (EUA), where, in addition, she is involved in discussions on governance and funding of European universities.

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