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News & Blog


18 July 2024

Figures show more Scottish applicants to universities in Scotland and an increase in applicants from deprived communities.

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16 July 2024

Appointments come at a time of opportunity and challenge.

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13 June 2024

Dr Sean Field and Dr Mette High describe the work of the new SFC-funded Scottish Research Alliance for Energy, Homes and Livelihoods (SRAEHL) towards making the changes needed for our future net zero society.

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Who we are

Making Scotland an outstanding place to learn, educate, research and innovate - now and for the future.

We are responsible for sustaining the provision of higher and further education in Scotland.

We use public money to fund colleges, universities and other tertiary education establishments.
This funding covers a wide range of activities including: teaching and learning; skills and apprenticeships, student support and participation; research, innovation and knowledge exchange; data collection and dissemination; national quality assurance and enhancement processes; capital and digital infrastructure for the sector; and strategic change, responsive provision and research priorities.

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What we do

Investing in Scotland's future

SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27

Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.

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