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Innovation Centres Subsidy Control

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The SFC’s Innovation Centre Programme operates under the UK subsidy control regime following UK Government statutory guidance.

The main aims of the programme are to support transformational collaboration between Scotland’s universities and colleges with businesses and to enhance innovation and entrepreneurship across Scotland’s key economic sectors, create jobs and grow the economy.

Innovation Centre Programme, SC10314

Legal Basis

The legal basis for the scheme is the UK subsidy control regime, Subsidy Control Act 2022.

Innovation Centres Programme

The published vision for the Innovation Centres (IC) programme is as follows. Innovation Centres bring the expertise and capabilities of Scotland’s universities, research institutes, colleges and businesses, to address industry demand led opportunities that support growth of the Scottish economy. Innovation Centres should support transformational opportunities for industry and work collaboratively to develop Scotland as a world-leading entrepreneurial and innovative nation.

General Provisions

There is no automatic entitlement to support from SFC’s Innovation Centres. Assistance may be offered through a range of grants delivered by the Innovation Centres, based on the merits of the proposed project, and an assessment of need for assistance. Any funding is subject to due diligence appraisal and approval by the Innovation Centre. Any business interested in assistance from an Innovation Centre relating to the programme should consult the Innovation Centres page.

The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) is required to provide regular returns to the Scottish and UK Governments detailing subsidies provided by IC programme, and to maintain detailed records regarding individual subsidy provided. Records must be maintained by the beneficiary organisation(s) for three years from the date on which the subsidy was granted. The information which must be provided to SFC and its Innovation Centres and / or retained by the subsidy recipient will be set out in any offer of award made under the programme.

SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27

Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.

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