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Value of research and innovation in Scotland

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Scotland’s universities are among the best in the world, with cutting edge R&I that creates knowledge of immense social, economic and cultural value, essential not only to Scotland’s ability to tackle challenges and opportunities now and in the future, but vital for our collective global health and wellbeing and efforts to fight climate change

SFC invests in excellent R&I carried out within the Scottish Higher Education sector through three core grants: Research Excellence Grant; Research Postgraduate Grant; and Universities Innovation Fund (from AY 24/25 will be replaced by the Knowledge Exchange and Innovation Fund).

As set out in our Review of Tertiary Education and Research, we are committed to developing evidence on the value of R&I from our universities, and to work with sector partners to articulate the case for sustained investment and demonstration of impact.

In 2023, we published a suite of reports demonstrating the economic and social impact of Scottish Higher Education Institutions’ (HEIs) research​ at regional, national, UK and international level:

  • Economic impact through a new analysis focused on supply chain impacts within Scotland’s economy, commissioned from the Fraser of Allander Institute.
  • Societal impact through an analysis and showcase of Scotland’s REF2021 impact case studies, commissioned from RAND.
  • The importance and role of SFC’s undirected research funding through an SFC animation and publication which showcases the REG case studies received through the Outcome Agreement process.

Value of research and innovation (R&I) in Scotland Task and Finish Working Group

This cross-sector Group supports SFC in developing and implementing a programme of work, building on the suite of reports published in 2023, to meaningfully demonstrate the impact of R&I funding, including SFC core R&I funding, to Scotland’s society and economy.

We anticipate that the Group will meet virtually up to 6 times for c. 1-2 hours, with some brief pre-meeting work, over a period of approximately 12 months, Work is expected to conclude by the end of July 2025.

The Group’s remit will not include SFC funding policy decisions.

SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27

Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.

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