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British Science Week – Climate

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Researchers at the University of Aberdeen’s Centre of Excellence in Soil Science are advancing our knowledge of how to control greenhouse gas emissions, reduce soil degradation and produce food in a sustainable way. 

Scottish Funding Council investment has underpinned the Centre’s development and its contributions to environmental science in many ways, including helping to secure other sources of funding. 

Amongst its many benefits this ongoing financial support has made possible the work of the Centre’s Environmental Modelling Group. The group studies all aspects of the environment but specialises in soils, land-based ecosystems, carbon cycling, greenhouse gas emissions, agriculture, food systems and bioenergy. It models these for sustainability and in order to develop ways to mitigate climate change and reduce soil degradation.  

Professor Pete Smith, one of the co-leaders of the group pioneered the innovative Cool Farm Tool, an award-winning free app now used by tens of thousands of growers and agri-food businesses worldwide to easily calculate greenhouse gas emissions, soil quality, biodiversity and water use.  

The groups other co-leader, Professor Jo Smith, led the development of the Scottish Government Windfarm Carbon Calculator, a tool that aims to ensure that windfarm developments reduce carbon emissions while not damaging sensitive peatlands.

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