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Scotland’s Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework

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Scotland’s Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework (TQEF) is our tertiary education sector’s new approach to quality assurance and enhancement for colleges and universities. It is built on the legacy of the last 20 years of Scotland’s leading approach to quality assurance and enhancement.

The TQEF comprises a shared set of principles, delivery mechanisms and outputs that can be applied to the different contexts of our colleges and universities to give assurance on academic standards, the quality of the student experience and ensure accountability for public investment in learning and teaching.

Scotland’s Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework (TQEF)

The TQEF will answer the question:

Is the provision delivered by Scotland’s colleges and universities of high quality and is it improving?

TQEF Vision

Our shared vision is for a more coherent and streamlined tertiary education system from the student perspective that delivers the best learning experience for students.

Principles of Scotland’s Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework

TQEF Principles

The principles are the foundation on which quality assurance and enhancement will be based and are designed to put students at the heart of the TQEF in Scotland. They were initially developed during AY 2021-22 as SFC started engaging with our sectors and stakeholders to explore options for how the tertiary approach to quality assurance and enhancement could be developed. These initial discussions were used as a basis for creating the principles, which were further refined and developed during the co-creation workshops in AY 2022-23.

Principles of the Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework

SFC partnered with our colleges, universities, sector leading bodies, agencies and students to create the TQEF and it will be fully implemented from the 2024-25 academic year. The TQEF will:

  • Protect academic standards and enhance the student learning experience
  • Ensure our quality arrangements continue to be fit for purpose to support innovation in learning and more flexible models of delivery.
  • Help create seamless pathways for learners and support more students to achieve positive outcomes.
  • Support more effective collaboration across colleges and universities, removing barriers to the sharing of innovation and learning, thereby promoting tertiary collaborations, where institutions wish to do so.
  • Foster a shared learning community leading to a common language and culture around learning and teaching across the tertiary system.

Tertiary Quality Steering Group

Critical to the development of the TQEF has been the support of the Tertiary Quality Steering Group (TQSG), which is made up of partners, experts and stakeholders who have helped guide and shape the project. The TQSG will continue to support the implementation and oversight of the TQEF in AY 2024-25.

TQSG Bulletins

TQSG Update Bulletin – 10 June 2024

TQSG Update Bulletin – 16 January 2024

TQSG Update Bulletin – 25 September 2023

Further Information

For more on the development of the TQEF please see our Tertiary Quality Project pages. You can also contact SFC Learning and Quality team at:

TQEF Toolkit

The TQEF Toolkit provides resources for sector colleagues who require access to the key TQEF diagrams, speaking notes for internal presentations, the TQEF logo and branding guidelines.

Towards the Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework (TQEF)

Summer Update

SFC has developed, in discussion with the sector, the SFC Guidance on quality for colleges and universities AY 2024-25 to AY 2030-31 which outlines the key elements of the TQEF and will support our colleges and universities to implement the new framework during academic year 2024-25 and up to 2030-31.

Spring Update

After a number of years of intense discussion and co-creation with colleges, universities, and our key delivery partners, we have now reached a critical final phase in the development of Scotland’s Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework (TQEF). Together we have developed a shared understanding of the principles that will underpin our new approach, and defined the mechanisms that will deliver the new Framework. Work is now underway on the finer details of each of the delivery mechanisms of the TQEF and how they will come together to support enhancement and assurance.   

SFC will publish Guidance on Quality for colleges and universities in June 2024 setting out arrangements for delivering the TQEF from AY2024-25 onwards. Alongside the building anticipation and excitement at the introduction of the TQEF there is also understandable concern around what this will mean for institutions, their staff, and students.  While we are not in a position to provide more detail in advance of ongoing discussions, we hope that this update will provide some clarity on the arrangements for the coming academic year.     

A key ambition throughout the development of the TQEF has been to eliminate duplication and complexity and to reduce the reporting burden on our colleges and universities.  To this end, and in advance of the publication of the Quality guidance, we are able at this stage to confirm that: 

  • There will be a single annual quality submission from institutions to SFC, the Self Evaluation and Action Plan (SEAP). This will replace ILR and the (paused) EREP reporting on quality from colleges and universities and will provide the Learning and Quality elements of our developing assurance and accountability arrangements. We are also working with the QAA to explore options for how SEAPs can best be used to inform external review visits in a way that minimises the reporting burden on institutions.   
  • We will explore options with the QAA and institutions for managing the burden and cost of engagement on quality to reflect the current financial environment, including potentially adjusting the length of the review cycle.   
  • We are working with quality agency partners on the scope and frequency of engagements on quality to ensure that they add value for institutions and minimise disruption, cost, and burden.    
  • The current quality arrangements for colleges and universities respectively will end in AY2023-24. Intelligence and outcomes of review activity identified under these arrangements will be picked up in the TQEF.   
  • College and university peer reviewers will be part of the same pool and receive training on the same method. Review teams will be assembled by the QAA based on the particular mission and context of the institution under review.     

We recognise that it will take time for institutions to adjust to the new arrangements. We are therefore committed to evaluating the experience of colleges and universities. We will work in partnership with our institutions to identify appropriate adjustments and refinements, and will provide institutions – and in particularly colleges – the time and space, flexibility and support, to ‘find their feet’ in the initial phases of the new Framework.  

For further information and updates please see our project website

Download: TQEF Spring Update [PDF]

SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27

Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.

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